God’s Vision

I feel the energy inside.
A breath of relief.
Allowing myself the safety
To be vulnerable,
To cry.

I give thanks to my journey.
The mountains I climbed;
The scars I’ve claimed;
The winding paths back to
Love and everlasting peace.

Here is a flowering of my soul.
My spirit, my being,
The depths of no longer
Chasing after meaning.

I am inspiration.
Art embodied.
The full man brought into being.
Without compromise,
I pour forth my poetry.
Scribed from truth and integrity.

Look upon me.
Know that I am you.
We are all that ever was
And all that ever will be.
We are God.
We are God’s vision.
His imagination
Born from curiosity.

All of life is a wonder.
We are infinite purity.
A gift from the stars
To contemplate the many roads
That have led us this far
Deeper into our souls
To be here now,
Surrendering to time's flow.

To deliver our will;
To bridge the infinite divide;
Between the mind preserving
This incarnation
And the heart releasing
Its prison of expectations.

This journey into you.
Into me. Into all of us.
Towards manifest destiny
Towards inner peace.
We are divinity,
Finally, set free.


A New Love


This Beautiful Divine