This Beautiful Divine

Feel the wind stir
The breeze through the leaves.
Here is the coming light.
I feel poetry come alive.

Art. It comes from my soul.
The flowering of me become whole
From my heart the words flow
And I feel just so grateful.

Life. There are so many ebbs and flows.
As I peer down its mountains and valleys,
I can only close my eyes
And utter a prayer of thanks
That life… it’s so beautiful.

Love. It’s here. All around me,
Emanating from within
The universe craving to become whole
So much of it and yet I’m never full.

Time. I watch and give thanks,
Seeing it flow.
I breathe deeply: in… out…
Hearing the call of presence,
Feeling the power of patience,
Being the gift of acceptance,
Of forgiveness,
Of all the trials and tribulations
That have led me to the man that I am.

Peace. I feel it.
The everpresent stillness inside.
Every moment is so precious.
Every moment I feel alive.
Forgiving myself for pondering
The question of “why”.

Loving myself for all that I’ve been,
All the doors I’ve opened,
All the cups I poured full,
And knowing Peace. Love. Art. Time.
All of it within me.
All of it around me.
All of it. This beautiful divine.


God’s Vision

